Life in this world is demanding and not easy, and as much as we try to live it to the fullest despite the obstacles and difficulties, we already learned in the book of Kohelet that ‘there is no Tzadik in the land who does good and does not sin’.
Most souls do not reach the world of truth in a corrected and perfect way as they would like, how sad it is to know that from the moment they were taken to their world they no longer have the power to change their situation and reach the complete correction on their own.
And this is where they need our help – the living people who can be used as wings for them to ascend under the wings of the Shechinah and be saved from hell.
The order of ‘Tikkun Niftarim’ is a special prayer made by great Tzadikim of the world, and by the power of this unique prayer we protect the soul of the deceased from all harm and raise it to the highest – and there is no greater favor for the soul than this.
The order of ‘Tikkun Niftarim’ is recited on Erev Rosh Chodesh by a Minyan of Rabbis, who dedicate this prayer to the souls and mention their names.
In ‘Shomea Tefilla’ organization, every Erev Rosh Chodesh, a Minyan of ‘Tikkun Niftarim’ is held for the benefit of lonely souls who have no one to act for their favor. Here in the website you can take part in this sacred enterprise through a donation, as well as send the name of your loved one’s soul to the ‘Tikkun Niftarim’ – and thus you will grant the soul of your loved one twice – with Tikkun Niftarim, and with the mitzvah of Chesed Shel Emes.