The knowledge that our children, our brothers, our spouses, our friends and many other soldiers we don’t necessarily know are fighting for us in shelled alleys, face to face, is frightening and paralyzing, because when soldiers do this, there are casualties.
It is difficult to dispel the feeling of helplessness that takes over consciousness. Sometimes in moments like this, when we seem to lose our grip, the eyes automatically go up to the sky, and the lips say a prayer. Make them healthy. May they successfully carry out what they were sent to do there, and return in peace.
Prayer works on all kinds of levels. This is the ability to ask God for mercy. It is to influence the spiritual reality even when in fact our hands are tied. It is there to center thoughts and to believe in God that all is good and from him the evils did not come.
In such moments, we longingly hug the stones of the Kotel in Jerusalem, the place from which the Holy Shechinah has never moved, and where, as we know, the prayers are accepted.
In this special place, closest to the Father in Heaven, at the time of desire at Chatzot, at the time when the Almighty is moving from the throne of judgment to the throne of mercy, we will pray for the soldiers of the IDF who are in the line of fire, and risk their lives for the sake of the people of Israel.
If you know soldiers who are serving there, send us their names, and a Minyan of scholars will pray for them at Chatzot at the most holy place for the people of Israel, closest to the Father in Heaven, at the Kotel.