Tu BiShvat – A day capable bringing for children – writes the Rebbe of Monkatesh zt”l in his book “שער יששכר”: ועל כן יש לומר מקובל מהצדיקים ז”ל שאז הזמן בט”ו בשבט להמשיך בנים (ע”י ברכת בורא פרי העץ), ויש לרמז עוד בזה במה שכתבנו לעיל בזה כי ‘פרי העץ’ עולה תנ”ה (455) וזהו מספר ‘חותם’ (455) כמ”ש בהאריז”ל להושענא רבה. והוא בבחינה זו כמו שבהושענא רבה ההכנה בחינת ‘זרע’ (277) בגימטריא ‘ערבה’ (277) ועל כן הזמן בט”ו בשבט כנ”ל להמשיך בנים, היינו ג”כ זרע כמו בהושענא רבה – יום ‘ערבה’.
So Rabbi David of Laalov Zt”l also brings that Tu BiShvat is a day capable for salvation, just as the tree is blessed by its fruits, so man is blessed with its fruits.
And also in the name of Rabbi Zvi Elimelech of Dinov, The holy ‘Bnei Issachar’ Zt”l, it is accepted that Tu BiShvat is an appropriate time to be blessed by בני (children) חיי (life) and מזוני (money).
And in the Sefer Hamidot it is stated that the practitioner of the Torah and Gmilut Chasadim gains many sons.
Where do we have Torah and Gmilut Chasadim more than the learning of Chesed Shel Emes?
This study that is learned every night at the Kotel for those who did not have the privilege of leaving behind them a seed, surely has the power to bring salvation for those who need children.
Starting from Tu B’shevat, students of the Kollel will pray for the donors, for 40 consecutive days at Chatzot, starting from Tu B’shevat the capable day for children.