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Even before the candle went out, the salvation came!!!

As part of my work as an educator, I became aware of an unusual and particularly serious case, of a yeshiva boy whose parents had invested a lot of money in him, and despite everything, it seemed that the money was going down the drain, and they were not satisfied with the boy, to say the least…
For a long time, together with his parents, I tried all kinds of ways to get him on the way, but it seemed that the Yetzer hara took him as a personal project, and everything we tried was unsuccessful.
About a month ago, the parents called me in tears and informed me that their son had just been sent away from the last yeshiva where he was accepted at the beginning of the Zman with a lot of protection…
I asked the parents to send their son to me for dinner, while I don’t know how and if at all I can help them and their child.
When I finished the conversation with them, my eyes fell on an ad of “Shomea Tefilla” I decided to give it a try. I called and gave his name to the 40-day prayer at the Kotel, and lit a weekly candle, for chesed shel emes.
The truth is that at that dinner I just repeated with him things we had already talked about dozens of times, we set goals and plans for the next few days, but this time it worked, in less than a week when the candle was still burning I received a call from the overseer at the yeshiva that this time it seems serious.

(The story can be published without the name)

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