My neighbors have experienced a unbearably painful experience of tzar gidul banim.
Their eldest son studied in a regular school and went on to a good yeshiva, as a middle-class boy and above, but somewhere in the second class he joined bad friends, and they destroyed him, spoiled him, and brought him to a very poor spiritual state, until no yeshiva wanted to accept him, and from there to the streets the way was short…
It is not necessary to describe what is the sorrow of tzar gidul banim, all the friends rallied to pray for this boy, but it seemed that the gates of heaven were locked.
Two years ago, a group of friends of the family went to the grave of The Sh’lah HaKadosh in Tiberias and prayed for this boy, and a year later when we wanted to organize it again, someone said, look, last year we prayed too and nothing, he just moved further away…
Exactly at the same time I heard about “Shomea Tefillah” I decided to do something, I called and gave his name to the prayer of erev Rosh Chodesh Sion in the grave of The Sh’lah and the 40 day prayer at the Kotel, together with a good Kabbalah to light a “Chesed shel emes” candle.
A year has passed, it is important for me to announce the great miracle that is happening before our eyes: the improvement in his spiritual condition is amazing thank God, there is still a long way to go, but he is on the right track.
Tovia Z. Rehovot